Jonathan Hartzsch is a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. While there, he worked on developing new additive manufacturing techniques which allow for the creation of three dimensional parts made of silicone. He joined Technology Associates in 2016 and supports the efforts of the other engineers at the firm […]
Our technical staff is comprised of engineers with advanced degrees in Mechanical, Electrical, and Civil Engineering and experience in both industrial and university settings. We have conducted nearly two thousand accident investigations, consultations and claims adjustments for both plaintiffs and defendants and we are skilled at communicating the essential technical aspects of various cases to laypeople. Our thoroughness, experience, high standards, honesty and attention to detail are geared to deliver an excellent product.
Before establishing Technology Associates, Dr. Ojalvo worked for 35 years as a professor and aerospace engineer for Columbia University, the University of Bridgeport, Grumman Aerospace and Perkin-Elmer Corporations, contributing numerous design ideas and studies for the Lunar Module, Space Shuttle, Princeton Fusion Test Reactor and the Hubble Space Telescope. A structural dynamics specialist, Dr. Ojalvo […]
Kristopher Seluga received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the Mechanical Engineering department at MIT where he worked on the development of novel three dimensional printing technologies. In 2001 he joined Technology Associates where he has worked as a forensic engineer investigating hundreds of accidents for both plaintiffs and defendants. His investigative and analytical experience […]