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Our engineering experts have the capability to utilize sophisticated computer models, simulations and animations to analysis cases and to produce courtroom exhibits. Over the years, we have developed numerous courtroom exhibits for various aspects of vehicle and non-vehicle accident investigation, biomechanics, and structural failure software analysis.
Animations are videos that depict moving objects based upon the creator’s inputs. Once an accident has been reconstructed and/or analyzed, an animation may be used to provide the court with an accurate and compelling dynamic visual rendition of certain crucial events of a case.
A computer simulation is a mathematical algorithm that predicts the behavior of a system based on the laws of physics. The Articulated Total Body model (ATB), is one such simulation package that was developed to model the dynamic response of the human body.
Scale drawings and other simple graphics are often extremely useful in understanding and explaining the events of an accident. We have extensive experience producing high quality scale drawings and graphics suitable for presentation at trail.
Finite element analysis is a mathematical technique used by engineers to analyze complex mechanical and other systems that require numerical analysis.