Public Playground Accident
A 5-year old girl was swinging from the monkey bars at a town park when she lost her grip and fell, severely injuring her pelvis. We inspected the play equipment and researched playground accident statistics throughout the US. This led us to determine that the subject equipment contained a number of accident related safety violations such as: an inadequate equipment “use zone”, dangerous protrusions and no slip- resistant rungs. Our report convinced the park authorities to rapidly settle this matter.

Basketball Court Accident
A basketball game was being played on a court that had walls that were only 2 feet away from the boundaries underneath the baskets. To reduce the possibility of injury, 2” thick, bright colored pads were provided on these walls. An unguarded player who had the ball charged the basket, jumped, and impacted the wall. We argued that the player’s injury resulted from his intentionally jumping into the highly visible wall, which had state-of-the-art protection mats, resulting in a reduced settlement.